Rabbithole Roundup no. 4

Zero Knowledge #253: Anoma’s “homogeneous architecture, heterogeneous security” is an interesting idea. Could be useful in decoupling apps and innovation from security and social bubbles. Feels like a flip of eigenlayer’s approach, but addressing a similar core problem.

Feels criminal not to mention, Metamuse podcast–the app is cool too. At least half the links in Rabbithole Roundup #3 links branched from there. Bangers on local-first, BYO client, homemade tools,playful software, longevity, and many other things.

Networks vs Empires

Notes from “Convivial design heuristics for software systems” by Stephen Kell: applications / libraries / jobs exist inside a ecosystem / language / country. To become useful requires becoming dominant. Becoming dominant leads to eventual capture of hostage users, rather than fans. three graphs “The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents” by Robin Milner

Loose threads

GLBs. What’s biconomy doing? Armada. Peridot