init garden

This experiment slowed down a bit faster than I expected it to. So now let’s try something slightly different.

As usual, this shift is partially inspired by some recent reading; this time How the Blog Broke the Web by Amy Hoy. There were a few interesting ideas but what stood out was her “retrospective” of an age of online writing, not automatically sorted by time–ALSO blog = weB Log🤯!

…anyways it would seem “gardens” do seem to be catching on generally around the web. What does information look like and how do we share it when everything isn’t by default organized into a feed? Like Amy Hoy suggests, maybe this hasn’t been explored more because of the friction in trying new formats, but alas here we go.

I’m not sure what exactly this will look like on my end. If I’ll still have a useful RSS feed; or if it will matter. The first changes will likely be:

  • switching to a grid by default rather than a stream (I’d planned to do this and a collapsed version for some time so will try to push it into the stream version before I change.)
  • some way to visualize connections between pages
  • Future created on dates will now be last changed. Dates in general will be substantially de-emphasized
  • slightly unhinged: considering “publishing” to an channel then pulling from their API.

The switch will ideally not be too drastic at the surface but will add in new ways to explore the content.